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April 18, 2022 To Mama, I wonder if it’s just me. I glowed during pregnancy- I felt great, I was healthy, I LOVED being pregnant…so much so that I wondered how I would feel when I was no longer pregnant. And everyone I talked to said not to worry, once I saw our baby girl…that […]

Feeling Pretty After Pregnancy

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April 11, 2022 To Mama, Our little one said a new word this weekend and oh boy, it was music to my ears! After months of hearing “Dada,” our little one finally said Mama. Over and over and over again. My heart burst out of my chest and I had thee biggest smile, ear to […]


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April 4, 2022 To Mama, I always thought I would want to go back to teaching after our baby girl was born. I loved working with kids, loved seeing their lightbulb moment when they understood a challenging concept and felt like I made a difference, day in and day out. Being a teacher was what […]

Stretch Mama

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March 28, 2022 To Mama, Asking for and accepting help is the one of most vulnerable and difficult actions you can engage in; only becoming more difficult as we grow older and we find ourselves weaving in and out of our comfort zones while our roles and responsibilities change and the relationship with ourselves and […]

Asking for Help

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March 21, 2022 To Mama, You look heavy. Yea, there’s still some baby pounds to shed but that’s a conversation for a different day. Heavy in that the weight of motherhood is on your shoulders and burdening your mind. The longer I am a Mama, the more I realize there’s an unspoken weight to being […]

The Weight of Motherhood

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March 14, 2022 To Mama, We broke the rules this weekend. This weekend we held our little one as she slept instead of encouraging her to sleep in the pack and play while we were away. Why? Well, she had a cold. Sneezing, runny nose, sniffles. Did it stop her from being the adventurer and […]

Sick Babes Need Mama Snuggles

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March 7, 2022 To Mama, I was raised by strong women. Strong in empathy, strong in courage, strong in hope, strong in prayer and strongest in love. I hoped to be just like them when I grew up; someone who was willing to lend a hand or an ear, someone others could rely on, someone […]

Strong Mama’s

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Once a teacher, always a teacher. Am I right?  Before baby girl was born I was a Special Education teacher and Board Certified Behavior Analyst; titles I worked very hard to earn and even harder to maintain.  These days, the certifications, accomplishments, endless hours of prep don’t even come close to my new favorite title…Mama.  […]

Roll Call

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February 7, 2022 To Mama, 6 months. 6 months of being a mama. 6 months of raising a baby girl.  6 months of navigating our new path.  6 of the most amazing, wonderful, challenging and simply awesome 6 months.  You did it. You’re doing it. You’re doing great.  So today, what better day to sit down […]

6 months

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February 9, 2022 To Mama, You ever have one of those days? One of those days where you find yourself yelling at the dog because he, out of everyone else…won’t yell back. Of course the moment you yell, you feel bad- he did nothing wrong. So let’s think about why you’re yelling… You’re yelling because […]

You Can Do Hard Things